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The Meaning of Thanksgiving Day

Scene.—Harvest Hall. Decorated with Autumn leaves, vines and evergreens, also late Autumn flowers. On one side are picturesque heaps of all sorts of Autumn fruits and vegetables, and on the other side, sheaves of grain, corn, etc., attractively arranged.

(Ceres, Pomona, Peace and Plenty discovered on stage.)

(The four sing. Air, “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”)

The earth has rolled around again and harvest time is here,
The glory of the seasons and the crown of all the year;
Let us voice our thanks and praises in a chorus of good cheer,
For it is Thanksgiving Day,
For the early crops and later,
For the lesser fruits and greater,
All give thanks to our Creator,
For it is Thanksgiving Day.
We‘re thankful for the sunshine and we‘re thankful for the rain,
That blessed our faithful labors and that ripened fruit and grain;
And the harvest so abundant shows our work was not in vain,
On this Thanksgiving Day.

(Chorus as above.)