Time. (kindly).
It‘s hard work, laddie, that best fills the bill.
Now, mortals, by your leave, we brought you here
For your opinion of Thanksgiving cheer."
To put it plainly,—will you tell us, please,
How you return your thanks for gifts like these?
Or, to express it in another way,
How do you give thanks on Thanksgiving Day?
Mother (of a housewifely type, and smiling broadly).
In my opinion, if you ask of me,
When all these bounties of the earth I see,
I‘d show appreciation, I confess,
By eating and enjoying them—no less!
And every mother in this whole broad laud,
My notion of the day will understand!
Pomona (heartily).
I understand! Naught can more joy afford
Than to preside o‘er a Thanksgiving board!
Mother and Pomona (sing together; air, "Solomon Levi").
A mother‘s soul is full of joy, a mother‘s heart is gay,
When the children all come trooping home to spend Thanksgiving Day.
And the mother‘s face is smiling bright, with honest pride aglow,
When she views her tempting pantry shelves, with goodies all a-row!
Big batches of doughnuts and pumpkin pies she makes;
Nut cake and pound cake and cookies, too, she bakes;
She roasts the ducks and turkeys and makes jellies, jams and creams,
Her puddings are perfection and her Angel cakes are dreams;