Earth. (‘‘a little cynical‘‘).
Yes, tell us what new-fangled way you find
To celebrate this Festival of cheer.
Yes, tell us! I‘d be very glad to hear.
A bright young thing like you will surely know
Some better way your gratitude to show.
Indeed I do! And yet, what‘s in my head
In no way contradicts what has been said
Ry these, my elders. They‘re all right, you know,
But I a little further want to go.
You all agree
And this is what I mean,
Thanksgiving Day a day of thanks should be.
Thanksgiving Day a day of thanks should be.
That‘s logical enough. And yet I find
A further bit of logic in my mind.
Thanksgiving Day‘s a day of thanks, ‘tis true;
But is it not a day of giving, too?
Thanks-giving Day! When that phrase you have heard,
A day of thanks uses but half the word.
Let‘s use the rest! You see? a day of giving!
Isn‘t that so? As truc as that you‘re living!
And while in gratitude you praise and pray,
Your Thanks Day should be also Giving Day,
You see the point,—you understand, I‘m sure;
Give of your bounty,—give it to the poor.
Give food and clothing,—give them coal and wood,—
Give them———
Oh, give them anything that‘s good!