Page:The moods of Ginger Mick.djvu/139

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Dago.—A native of Southern Europe.

Dash, to do one's.—To reach one's Waterloo.

Date.—An appointment.

Dawg (dog).—A contemptible person; ostentation. To put on dawg.—To behave in an arrogant manner.

Dead.—In a superlative degree; very.

Deal.—To deal it out; to administer punishment; abuse, etc.

Deener.—A shilling (Fr. Denier. Denarius, a Roman silver coin).

Derry.—An aversion; a feud; a dislike.

Dickin.—A term signifying disgust or disbelief.

Dile (dial).—The face.

Dilly.—Foolish; half-witted.

Ding Dong.—Strenuous.

Dinkum.—Honest; true. "The Dinkum Oil."— The truth.

Dirt.—Opprobrium, a mean speech or action.

Dirty left.—A formidable left fist.

Divvies.—Dividends; profits.

Dizzy limit.—The utmost; the superlative degree.

Do in.—To defeat; to kill; to spend.

Done me luck.—Lost my good fortune.

Dope.—A drug; adulterated liquor, v. To administer drugs.

Dot in the eye, to.—To strike in the eye.

Douse.—To extinguish (Anglo-Saxon).

Drive a quill.—To write with a pen; to work in an office.

Duck, to do a.— (See "break.")

Duds.—Personal apparel (Scotch).

Dunno.—Do not know.

Dutch.—German; any native of Central Europe.

'Eads (Heads).—The authorities; inner council.

'Eadin'.— "Heading browns;" tossing pennies.