Page:The moods of Ginger Mick.djvu/141

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Gizzard.—The heart.

Glarssy.—The glassy eye; a glance of cold disdain. The Glassey Alley.—The favourite; the most admired.

Glim.— A light.

Going (while the going is good).—While the path is clear.

Gone (fair gone).—Overcome, as with emotion.

Goo-goo eyes.—Loving glances.

Gorspil-cove.—A minister of the Gospel.


Grafter.—One who toils hard or willingly.

Griffin, the straight.—The truth; secret information.

Grip.—Occupation; employment.

Groggy.—Unsteady; dazed.

Grouch.—To mope; to grumble.



Guy.—A foolish fellow.

Guy, to do a.—To retire.


Handies.—A fondling of hands between lovers.

Hang out.—To reside; to last.

Hang-over.—The aftermath of the night before.


High-falutin'.—High sounding; boastful.

Hitch, to.—To wed.

Hitched.—Entangled in the bonds of holy matrimony.

Hit things up.—To behave strenuously; riotously.

Hot.—Excessive; extreme.

Hump, the.—A fit of depression.

Hump, to.—To carry as a swag or other burden.