Page:The mystic test book.djvu/76

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upon all sides by darkness, trouble and disappointment. But the 4d and 7d reaching up to the middle or present life line indicated that this bright spot in his life was just drawing to a close.

When I had finished the delineation, the gentleman quietly explained how exactly the emblems had illustrated his life. The student is advised to look particularly for these little points and indicators, as they afford much information regarding the person's life and surroundings.

For the purpose of convenience, the tables of indications in this work are placed opposite the plate containing the grand spread, where the card defined rules as a sun card.

If the student will learn thoroughly the way in which the solar natural book runs, he can very soon find the page containing the definitions of any particular card wanted without reference to the page or rule for finding same. The rule is given, only because other spreads are in the book with same cards under the sun. But the defining tables are just 52 in number and consecutively arranged. The suits run—


The spots under each suit run in regular order from ace to king.

The definitions given are not intended to be inflexibly correct or unchangeable. Such is the almost infinite number of combinations of the 52 emblems, that it is impossible to foresee and record all the various meanings. Besides this, the delineator must bear in mind that the personal environment of the person represented in the spread has much to do with meanings of the emblems. For instance; a 9 of diamonds following a seven under Saturn, or with a 7 of dia-