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SOLAR VALUE, | 10. |
SPIRIT VALUE, | 11. | |
ASTRAL NUMBER, | 65418. |
A sudden success. Success in love and friendship. Rapid gaining of friends. Strong affection. If with a Queen, success of a lady friend.
Success, triumph and happiness in friendship and love. A successful love affair. True love from one of the opposite sex for yourself.
Reunion of old friends. Success in a friendly negotiation. In some cases triumphs of a friend, in some a law case.
Power, success, triumph and happiness. Strength of love and friendship. Help and confidence of friends. Business success based on friendly influences.
{[center|SATURN.}} Power over sickness, sorrow, death, trouble, disappointment, machinations of enemies, scandals and heartburnings. Overcoming or evil influences.
Power, success, and good results flowing from your efforts connected with labor and business affairs. Overcoming of some bad influence, by psychic power.
Success in a journey. Success in fishing, boating or anything connected with the water. Recovery from any illness caused by dampness.