cans are not Africans proper, any more than the whites in America are Americans proper. The African of untainted blood, the Hamite, pure and simple, is found to-day only in the "woolly-headed negro," as Watson expresses it, with a curl of the lip. Canaan in Africa is an interloper. Since the day that he was ostracised by his kindred for his irreverent conduct to Noah, and forbidden to follow them to their new home, lest they might partake of his curse, Canaan has been to all truth an Asiatic. There it was he lived, and there he received upon his own pate, the full weight of that curse, which felled him to the earth, and ground him, as a distinct people, to dust. But let him, if you will, be accounted among the Africans of to-day, still is he not of the negroes, for all Africans are not negroes, though all negroes are Africans.
To conclude; Africa is the land of Ham, the Nile is the Gihon, Ethiopia the land of Cush. To enter into particulars, as to the precise period when the patriarchs migrated thither, and the manner how, with subsequent developments of government and society, would be impossible, and conjectures are useless. Living at this late day, only the mountain outlines of historical facts are seen. Let this suf-