On the seventh step is Iceland. The symbol for 17 is Archimedes, or the Carpenter; he is breaking up the ice, and that we may remember the name of the celebrated mountain, Hecla, we will say, that he acquits himself with very great eclat.
These illustrations seem amply sufficient to direct the pupil in the application of this art to geography, so far as it relates to the use of the symbols, and the connecting ideas to be associated with them.
While we count our meridians all east from Ferro, it must be remembered, that in English maps, London, or rather Greenwich, is taken for the first meridian, from which the degrees are counted 180° East, and 180° West. If a place be described in longitude 121° west of London; to reduce it to the meridian from Ferro, 121° must be subtracted from 180°, (the whole number of degrees west,) the remainder is 59, which added to 180, and the 18° difference between the calculation from London and Ferro, will give the product 275°. A place then which is 121° west of London, may be said to be 257° east of Ferro. The meridian of Paris is 20° east from Ferro, and 2 from the meridian of London. This process is at once simple and correct, and will allow us to use a general meridian which
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