remembered that the numerical order of the Circuits is represented by the different colours. The first colour will be blue, the second yellow.
When the counties are numbered, the pupil must count upwards, commencing with the lowest. The more effectually to distinguish their numerical order, we use the colours. The first county in the first circuit, must be bordered with blue; the second county with yellow; the third with green, etc. and the like with the other remaining counties in the circuit. The numerical order of the counties will thus be firmly impressed on the memory.
France contains one hundred and ten departments. These are to be divided into eleven Regions, containing ten departments in each. The regions should be arranged in geographical order, commencing from the equator, and counting upwards. The meridian is taken from Paris. West of this meridian we commence with O, the region of the Pyrenees. On the East is I the Region of the Meditterranean, II of Piedmont, III of Charente, IV of Lake Leman, V Central Region, VI Finisterre, VII Region of Jurat, VIII of the Seine, IX of the Rhone, X northern Region.
If we wish to know the thirty-fifth department, it will be found in the third region, fifth department. To distinguish the region there are