4. Extent in Square Miles. Here we should divide the square into several parts, significant of the face of the country; whether it be cultivated or uncultivated, wood-land, meadow, or pasture, arable, etc. and what may be the extent of water in the country.
5. Government. If the government be monarchial, aking may be supposed sitting upon the throne, attended by princes; or, if of the mixed kind, he is supported by Lords and Commons.
6. Commerce. In this are arranged the principal exports and imports, and whatever relates to trade in general.
7. Arts and Manufactures. Those of England might be represented in many ways. It will be sufficient, perhaps, to place there the steam-engine and the cotton-mill, and there will be a visible remembrance of the arts and manufactures of our own country.
8. The Sciences. To this square belong the principal universities or foundations for the propagation and increase of knowledge, with the various literary and scientific Institutions, as also the philosophers, poets, etc. etc.
This general system of statistics is applicable, of course, to any particular country, and to its various subdivisions. In England, for instance, it might be applied to every county, in the same manner, as it is used for the whole kingdom.