necessary to name every profession and employment in life; for he is persuaded that there is not one of these, in which some benefit may not be derived from a careful and diligent practice of the principles here developed.
The purposes to which this system is applicable in the every-day occurrences of common life, it would be endless and useless to specify; the editor will, therefore, conclude in the words of Grataroli, an eminent writer on mnemonics:—
It sufficeth therefore, that we have expressed a methode or compendious waye, the whiche whosoever foloweth shall easelye (so that exercise be not lackinge) get and attayne the certeine and sure remembraunce, of manye and sundry things, as due occasion shall require : but as for the sluggish and pole, let them slugge and sleepe stille, to whome all thinges are Displeasing.'
January, 1813.