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racter. Thus a very small stroke across ike would distinguish its two sounds. A point over a vowel might answer all the purposes of dif- ferent letters. And for the diphthong ou, let the two letters be united by a small stroke, or both engraven on the same piece of metal, with the left hand line of the to united to the o.

These, with a few other inconsiderable alterations, Mr. Webster thinks, "would answer every purpose, and render the orthography sufficiently correct and regular."[1]

The only other scheme of reformation we shall notice is that put forth by Mr. Elphinston.We shall transcribe the first paragraph of his preface.[2]

"Evvery tung iz independant ov evvery oddher. Hooevver seeks dhe anallogy (or nattural rule) ov anny tung, must dherfore find it at home; nor wil dhe seeker seek in vain. Inglish diccion dhen haz no laws, but her own. Yet, in her picturage, and consequently in much ov her livving practice; hav anny oddher laws, or any lawlesnes, been prefferably regarded. No more cau anny language adopt dhe system ov any oddher; dhan anny nacion, dhe hoal pollity oν

  1. Dissertations on the English Language, p. 394.
  2. Propriety ascertained in her Picture, 40.