fessor undertakes, and the Committee do not hesitate in joining in the pledge, that in four years they shall acquire a competent and radical knowledge of the following subjects:—
1st. Of the English, Latin, Greek, French, Italian, and Spanish languages, so as to speak several, and write in all, correctly.
2ndly. Of History and Chronology, so perfect a knowledge as to connect with every important fact, antient and modern, its specific date and relation to corresponding and contemporaneous events.
3dly. Of the Mathematics, comprising Arithmetic and Algebra, and certain departments of Natural Philosophy.
4thly. Of Geography, embracing general views of the system of the world, and minute information respecting every country on the habitable globe.
5thly. Of Natural History, an acquaintance with the arrangement of plants, animals, and minerals, and their general application to the wants of civilized society.
Besides the above, there are other objects of instruction necessary to render the plan of school education complete, too numerous here to detail; suffice it to say, that youth so educated, will be qualified, if designed for the University, to pass through it with eclat: or if a degree be not required for his professional pursuits, to appear in society with the information of a gentleman.
A For information thus extensive, and acquired within a period of time so limited, the Proprietors have fixed on the lowest terms possible, consistent with the prosperity of the Institution.
As the mode of instruction is by Lecture, the same teacher can instruct 500 boys with as much ease and certainty as five.