"IN this work, we conceive, there is a just development of the principles of M. Feinaigle; and the author has, with great industry of research, detailed the principal systems of artificial memory, both before and after that of Mr. Grey was announced to the public." Rees' Cyclopedia, vol. xxiii. part 2, art. Mnemonica.
"This system is adapted to the meanest capacity. Besides being infinitely serviceable in the more important subjects, to which other systems have been usually confined, it can with equal facility be used, in the common transactions of ordinary life; and its application is rather a source of amusement than labour. It possesses all the advantages of the preceding methods, and as a whole is superior to any that have yet appeared." Monthly Review for May, 1813.
"The principles of the art may be considered as fairly developed in this work; the book is in itself very curious and interesting, and well worth purchasing." British Critic for August, 1813.