certainty in the retention, of the tables of any other science—a fact which was confirmed by several Gentlemen present, who have attended the private courses of the Professor.—The examinations were carried on by Mr. Disney, Chairman of the Literary and Scientific Committee; and for a great part of the time, Mr. Feinaigle retired from the Lecture-room. Nothing could be more satisfactory than the result of the experiments; and the company returned Mr. Feinaigle their thanks.—The Professor, Aug. 26, repeated the experiment at Liverpool, where the Rev. Jonathan Brookes, at the request of the Mayor, selected from the different charity schools of the town, children upon whom the experiment might be made. The exhibition took place before a very numerous assembly. Four children had been put under Mr. Feinaigle's tuition but three days before, two boys and two girls, and none of them had received more than two hours' instruction; neither of the girls could make or read a figure when first presented to him. The examinations (which were carried on by the Rev. Jonathan Brookes) were precisely of the same nature as those at the Royal Institution; and the results were equally satisfactory."
"On the 6th of April, 1812, the effects of M. Von Feinaigle's system were exemplified a