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Page:The new art of memory (IA artofmemoryfound00fein).pdf/50

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  1. Regent.
  2. Feinaigle.
  3. Syracuse.
  4. Wellington.
  5. Graham.
  6. Ten.
  1. Hill.
  2. Nelson.
  3. Archimedes.
  4. Palestine.
  5. Button.
  6. Reform.

"After inspecting the number and words for a space of time, not exceeding three minutes, the pupil named every word in the series, both forward and backwards: to any number that was proposed to him, he assigned the proper word, and vice versa.

"A series of twenty-eight figures, named promiscuously by the audience, was then written down, as, 8. 5. 1. 0. 5. 0. 2. 9. 6. &c. &c. &c. These the pupil surveyed attentively, for about five minutes, and then repeated them forwards and backwards. He afterwards declared how many 8's. 2's. 9's. &c. occurred in the series, and the relative situation of each figure.

"In consequence of the disappointment of many of the Proprietors and Subscribers, who could not obtain admittance into the Lecture Room on the 6th instant, the above experiments were repeated on Wednesday evening last to a crowded auditory. On this evening the following additional evidences of the utility and universality of M. Feinaigle's System were adduced.