and certainty than even the former imperfect knowledge could be acquired by any other method whatever. The same principles are applicable with equal efficacy to all the subsidiary parts of a perfect geographical knowledge, and it is shown how to fix in the memory, for instance, the government, the extent, the population, and the military power, the products, the commerce, the manufactures, the arts and sciences, &c. of every state. Those who are acquainted with the principles of the present arrangement, cannot but feel how much easier it must be to compare, according to this plan, one kingdom with another by simple memory, than after any other plan, with all the assistance of books and systematic tables.
"5. Chronology. What is done with regard to the kings of England may be done with any chronological series of sovereigns; and though such a series presented nothing more than what may be considered as great epochs of history, even of those the present system offers a greater number than any other system of chronology, and fixes them more easily than it has ever been possible to do by all those ingenious historical tables which have been invented to assist the memory in this interesting study. But the highest perfection of historical knowledge is certainly to know the whole history, not only by great