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Page:The new art of memory (IA artofmemoryfound00fein).pdf/63

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We shall now proceed to explain the mode of dividing a room according to the New System of Memory, and to develop the principles of the art. It is, however, necessary to premise, that the pupil must not attempt too much at first, but should proceed gradually in the acquisition of this system; for his ultimate success in it will greatly depend upon a perfect knowledge of the first principles.[1] As in mathematics no problem can be demonstrated without understanding all the preceding demonstrations,—so every advance in this art, must be grounded on the full possession of all the antecedent doctrines.

We shall divide a wall in the following manner:

The figures are arranged from left to right, in the usual manner of writing; and for the more easily remembering their situation, it will be found that if two lines be drawn diagonally, from the four corners of the figure, they will intersect

  1. Assumendus usus paulatim, ut pauca primum complectamur animo, quæ reddi fideliter possint: mox per incrementa tam modica, ut onerari se labor ille non sentiat, augenda usu, et exercitatione multa continenda est, quæ quidem maxima ex parte memoria constat.—Quinct. Inst. Orat. lib. X. Opera, tom. II. p. 253. Ed. Bipont. 1784.