pression will be permanent. Let us fill the squares or places with some pictures of our own drawing: the two rooms will be then furnished, and it will be as easy to remember the symbols, or hieroglyphics, as to remember the situation or place of any picture, or article of furniture in a room. Instead of having a carpet on the floor, we can suppose that the floor is inlaid or constructed of mosaic. This will allow us to put symbols there.
The outlines of the symbols are intended to represent, as accurately as possible, the various figures in the two rooms, so that they may be permanently fixed in the memory. (See Plates II. and III.) And here we dismiss the pupil for a season, giving a general hint, that it will be advisable to make himself perfectly familiar with the situations of the different symbols, before he thinks of looking into the next chapter. Until a knowledge of these symbols be obtained, no further progress can be made in the system. It is, at least, indispensably necessary, that the pupil should answer with facility to any questions put to him respecting the first room, containing fifty symbols; the second room may be acquired at leisure.