The following are the names attached to the different symbols:
- Tower of Babel.
- Swan.
- Mountain, or Parnassus.
- Looking-glass.
- Throne.
- Horn of Plenty.
- Glass-blower.
- Midas.
- Flower, or Narcissus.
- Goliath, or Mars.
- Pillars of Hercules.
- David with the Lion.
- Castle, or Nelson's Monument.
- Diogenes, or Watchman.
- Æsculapius, or Serpent.
- Ceres, or Gleaner.
- Archimedes, or Carpenter.
- Apollo.
- Robinson Crusoe.
- Peacock.
- Vaulter, or Rider.
- Cockfighting.
- Pegasus.
- Elephant.
- Sancho Panza.
- Charioteer.
- Don Quixote.
- Pack-horse.
- Standard-bearer.
- Sysiphus.
- Cupid.
- Diana.
- Clouds, or Sky.
- Noah's Ark.
- Curtius.
- Hermitage.
- Miner.
- Moses.
- Vesuvius.
- Pleasure Garden.
- Monument.
- Golden Calf.
- State Bed.
- Piano-Forte.
- Bajazet.
- Fountain, or Square.
- Vulcan.
- Apis.
- Orange-Tree.
- Bacchus.