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we say the laurel is dead; in the word dead, are d, d for 66; the 1000 being understood through the whole series.[1]

2. William Rufus, or William II. There must be two willows, one on each side of the swan; the swan is put into a red (bag): by making the bag red, we preserve the meaning of the Latin word Rufus.

3. Henry I. There is one hen upon the mountain tossing up the ground; (toss.)

4. Stephen. The looking-glass is very much stiffened; there is a watch placed before the glass; this is (timely). The word stiffened will recal to the mind the name of Stephen.

5. Henry II. A (taylor) sitting upon the throne, with two hens, one under each arm.

6. Richard I. This was the first rich man,—the horn of plenty is before him. The first rich man, probably, pilfered from other people; he must have been a (thief).

7. John. The glass-blower's name was John (Taffy).

  1. As the reader will find at p. 60. a tabular view of this application, we shall merely explain the manner of connecting the different images, inclosing the word which gives the date in a parenthesis.