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As the art which forms the subject of this volume is sufficiently discoursed on, in the introductory matter prefixed to the system contained in the present work, it remains only to give an account of the origin of this publication.
The system, here presented to the public, is that taught by M. Von Feinaigle; who, by the public exhibitions which he has given of the proficiency of some of his pupils, has excited a very general interest and curiosity as to the mnemonic art. The following pages contain, amidst various other matter, the substance of fifteen of the Professor's lectures, on the application of the art to Chronology, Geography, History, Language, Systematic Tables, and Poetry and Prose; being the whole of one course, with the exception of one lecture on Arithmetic and Algebra. This was omitted because the subject to which it relates, is so complicated in itself, as to render it