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Before Christ. |
52 | Julius Cæsar's first expedition into Britain. |
47 | Pompey defeated at the battle of Pharsalia, and afterwards slain in Egypt. |
— | The Alexandrian library burnt. |
— | The solar year introduced by Cæsar. |
44 | Cæsar killed in the senate-house by conspirators. |
42 | The battle of Philippi, in which Brutus and Cassius are defeated. |
31 | The battle of Actium; in which Mark Antony and Cleopatra were totally defeated by Octavius, nephew to Julius Cæsar. |
30 | Alexandria taken by Octavius: Antony and Cleopatra put themselves to death, and Egypt reduced to a Roman province. |
27 | Octavius obtains from the senate the title of Augustus
Cæsar, and is made the first Roman emperor. |
8 | The temple of Janus shut by Augustus, as an emblem of universal peace. |
John the Baptist and JESUS CHRIST born, four years before the commencement of the vulgar Æra. |