Page:The organisation of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers explained.djvu/14

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The Organsation of the

drills, in which it is considered desirable that they should be proficient.

The drills will comprise those for great guns, rifle, pistol, and cutlass, as in the Royal Navy, and no deviation from these drills is to be permitted.

The Officer-Instructor.All drills will be carried out by the instructor, attached to the brigades, under the officer-instructor. The permanent staff of a brigade will consist of an officer-instructor and one petty officer instructor for each battery. The officer-instructor will be commissioned as a lieutenant in the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, and will be selected from officers of or retired from the Royal Navy, of and above the rank of lieutenant. He will keep the muster-rolls, and it will be his duty to make himself acquainted with all the members of his brigade, and their qualifications. He will superintend all drills and exercises, and is to have complete control over the petty officer instructors, and to be responsible to the Admiralty for their conduct and efficiency.

Attendances at drill.On the important point of the number of attendances at drill, the regulations require that every volunteer must attend at least two drills a month, until he has obtained the standard of an efficient. An efficient must be able to perform in a satisfactory manner the duties of any number except No. 1 at heavy gun exercise, or at revolving gun exercise, as applicable to the 64-pounder guns mounted in gun-boats; and he must be possessed of a good knowledge of the manual, platoon, and cutlass exercises.