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Page:The organisation of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers explained.djvu/29

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Authority1. The "Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers " are raised under the "Royal Naval Artillery Volunteer Act of 1873."

They are subject to the provisions of that Act, and to all regulations made with regard to them by the authority of the Admiralty.

Liability for actual service2. By Royal Proclamation, the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers may be assembled for actual service; and whenever so assembled, they will be liable to serve on board any of Her Majesty's ships or vessels employed in the defence of the coasts of the United Kingdom, or in any of the tenders or boats attached to such vessels.

They will also be liable to perform all the ordinary duties of the vessel in which they may be embarked, in the same manner as those duties are performed by the regular crews of Her Majesty's ships, except those duties that can only be performed by practical seamen.

They will not be required to go aloft, or to attend the fires in the stoke-hole.

They will accommodate themselves to the berthing and messing arrangements usual for the Seamen of the Royal Navy.

Corps, definition of.3. A Corps is a body of persons who combine, under common rules, to form a part of the Naval Artillery Volunteer force.

The members of a Corps are either enrolled or honorary.

Enrolled Members.Enrolled members are persons of every grade, whose names are duly entered for service in the muster-rolls of a Corps.

Honorary membersHonorary members are persons who contribute to the Honorary funds of a Corps, but are not enrolled for service.