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Page:The organisation of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers explained.djvu/38

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assemble under arms for any purpose unconnected with Parade, Drill, or Rifle practice, except with the approval of the Admiralty.

Brigaded with other Forces.58. The Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers may, when circumstances permit, be brigaded with other Forces, the sanction of the Admiralty having been previously obtained.

Visiting Garrison or Camp.59. When any of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers desire to visit any Garrison or Camp as a naval body, the permission of the Secretary at War must first be obtained through the Admiralty.

Upon all occasions of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers entering a Garrison or Camp as a body, the Officer in command must duly report his arrival to the Senior Naval Officer present, or, if there is not one, he will wait on the Officer in command of the Garrison or Camp.

Command at Rifle Shooting Matches.60. When the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers are brought together under arms at Rifle Shooting Matches, on other occasions, with other Volunteer Corps, or with any of Her Majesty's Land Forces on shore, the Officer in Command of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, present, shall take care that everyone under his command complies with all the Regulations of the Land Forces relative to the Camp or ground on which they may be, and he shall confer with the Senior Officer of the Land Forces, and act in concert with him, so that the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteer may in all cases act in accordance with the orders under which the Land Forces are acting; but it is to be distinctly understood that nothing in this Regulation is to give a claim to any Officer of Her Majesty's Navy, or of any Naval Volunteer Corps, to assume command of any of Her Majesty's Land Forces, nor to any Officer of Her Majesty's Land Forces to assume command of any of Her Majesty's Naval Forces.

Surplus ammunition to be collected.61. When the Volunteers, at the termination of an exercise, are to return by railway or boat to their headquarters, the arms are to be examined, and all the ammunition which has not been expended must be collected and placed in a metal or leather case, with a view to its being conveyed in safety to the head-quarters.


Responsibility for and care of.62. The Commanding Officer of a Corps is responsible for and care to the Admiralty for all stores which are supplied by Government for the use of the Corps.

Arms to be supplied by GovernmentEach Corps will be supplied gratuitously with