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Page:The passing of Korea.djvu/584

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Christian missions, 126, 464.
Christianity and temperament, 33.
Chumong, 72.
Circulating library, 311.
Climate, lo.
Coal-mines, 274.
Coinage, 234.
Commerce, 281.
Commercial morality, 284.
Concubinage, 356, 369.
Confucian school, 338.
Confucian stories, 373.
Confucianism, 405.
Consanguineous marriage, 8l.
Conservatism, 7, 34.
Coolies demanded, 210.
Corruption, Official, 50.
Counterfeiting, 177.
Couriers, 268.
Cromlechs, 294.
Cruelty, 43.
Currency, 178, 234.
Customs of people, 398.
Customs, Maritime, 233, 285.

Dancing Girls, 318, 357.
Decapitation, 61.
Decorations, 333.
Decorations, House, 250.
Deer, 22.
Deer blood as medicine, 22.
Denny, Judge O. N., 127.
Detectives, 396.
Dialects, 304.
Diamond Mountain, 292.
Dismemberment, 61.
Divination, 422, 425.
Divorce, 368.
Doctors, Female, 353.
Dogs, 21.
Dogs as food, 21.
Dolmens, 294.
Dominoes, 280.
Donkeys, 264.
Dravidian dialects, 300.
Drums, 316.
Dye, Gen. William, 139.

EAR and nose mound, 101.
Eclipse, Averting an, 430.
Education, 335, 337, 338, 465.
Electric company, 159.
Electric light, 458.
Electrical works, 458.
Embroidery, 334.
Emeuteoi 1882, 122.
Emeute of 1884, 125.

Emperor, The, 343.
Accession, 1 14, 344 ; at Russian Legation, 345; and Americans, 347; difficulties, 344 ; firmness, 348 ; kindness, 346; superstition, 346.

Emperor's protest, The, 220, 223.
Empire declared, 157.
Eunjin image, 296.
Euphony, 304.
Examination, National, 79, 337.
Exorcism, 359, 407.
Exorcists, 413, 427.
Exports, 285.
Extortion, 67.

Fall of Koguryu, 75.
Fall of Koryu, 89.
Fall of Pakche, 75.
Fall of Silla, 77.
Fauna, 19.
Ferry, 253.
Fetiches, 411.
Feudalism, Japanese, 3.
Feudalism lacking, 80.
Fiction, 310.
Fire mountains, 267.
Firearms, Japanese, 95.
Fish, 25, 271.
Floors, 245.
Flora, 12.
Flowers, 18.
Flute, The Jade, 297.
Flutes, 315.
Folk-lore, 273.
Fords, 253.
Foreign trade, 284.
Fortune-telling, 422.
Foulk, George C., 298.
Foundations of house, 243.
Foxes, 22.
Freebooters, 86.
French expedition, 117.
French priests executed, 115.
French vessels wrecked, in.
Fruits, 14.
Fuel, 271.
Funeral of Queen, 157.
Funeral procession, 437, 453.
Funeral rites, 445.
Fusan, 456.
Fusan trading station, 93, 102.
Future of Korea, 461.

Game birds, 23.