Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/247

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charged them with imposture."[1] The thing by which we invited the people to believe in him, and with which he vied with them is the Quran. For says God, "Say, verily, if men and genii were purposely assembled, that they might produce a book like this Quran, they could not produce one like unto it, although the one of them assigned the other."[2] Then further he says, "will they say, He hath forged the Quran? Answer, bring therefore ten chapters like unto it forged by yourself."[3] This being the case the miracle of the Prophet with which he vied with the people and which he advanced as an argument for the truth of his claim to the prophetic mission, was the Quran. If it be said, that this is quite clear, but how does it appear that the Quran is a miracle, and that it proves his prophecy, while just now we have proved the weakness of the proof of prophecy by means of miracles without any exceptions in the case of any

  1. Quran XVII, 61.
  2. Quran XVII 90.
  3. Quran XI, 16.