Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/276

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twinkling of the eye. So praised be the "Sagacious, the Knowing."[1] God has called our attention to this fact in His book, "And He hath subjected the night and the day to your service; and the sun and the moon and the stars, which are compelled to serve by His Command;"[2] again, "Say, what think ye, if God should cover you with perpetual night, until the day of Resurrection;"[3] and again, "Of His mercy, He hath made you night and the day, that ye may rest in the one, and may seek to obtain provision for yourselves of His abundance, by your industry; in the other;"[4] and, "And He obligeth whatever is in heaven or on earth to serve you."[5] Further He says, "He likewise compelleth the sun and the moon, which diligently perform their courses, to serve you; and hath subjected the day and night to your service."[6] There may be[7]

  1. Quran LXVII, 14.
  2. Quran LXVII, 14.
  3. Quran XVI, 12.
  4. Quran XXVIII, 71.
  5. Quran XVIII, 73.
  6. Quran XLV, 12.
  7. Quran XIV, 37.