Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/283

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pleaseth, and directeth whom He pleaseth;"[1] and, "If we had pleased, we had certainly given every soul its direction."[2] We would say that these verses cannot be taken exoterically, for there are many verses which apparently contradict them—the verses in which God denies injustice to himself. For instance, He says, "H eliketh not ingratitude (Kufr) in His servant."[3] So it is clear that as He does not like ingratitude even from them, He certainly cannot cause them to err. As to the statement of the Asharites that God sometimes does things which He does not like, and orders others which He does not want, God forbid us from holding such a view about him, for it is pure infidelity. that God has not misled the people and has not caused them to err will be clear to you from the following verses: "Wherefore be thou orthodox and set thy face towards true religion, the

    Quran, III, 16

    Quran, XLI, 46

    Quran, X, 45

  1. Quran, XIV, 4
  2. Quran XXXII, 11
  3. Quran, XXXIX, 9