Page:The pink fairy book (IA pinkfairybooklan00lang).pdf/166

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‘Ah! I know that,’ said the man.

After some time had passed the man had a mind to visit his second eldest daughter. His wife again gave him some dry bread to eat, and when he grew tired and hungry he sat down on the east side of a mound and began to eat it. As he sat there his daughter came up out of the mound, and invited him to come inside, which he did very willingly.

Soon after this the troll came home. It was dark by that time, and his wife bade him go and buy some candles.

black and white illustration of three people seated at a table: a troll an old man, and a young woman. He troll sticks two fingers into the air which give off light and smoke. The old man looks shocked stopping with food still on his knife, the young woman calmly passes a plate. The troll is more or less human though with a large head and face and large slightly pointed ears. He wears a fairly simple shirt and trousers with a cap and pointed shoes. The woman has a long braid tied in a bow, a light “peasant” style dress and darker bodice. The old man has a long beard and is bald on top. The table is rough hewn with legs that look like branches and the whole room seems to be in a small cavern.

‘Oh, we shall soon get a light,’ said the troll. With that he dipped his fingers into the fire, and they then gave light without being burned in the least.

The old man got two sacks of money here, and plodded away homewards with these. When he was very nearly home he again thought of the cow that was with calf, so he laid down the money, ran home, and asked his wife whether the cow had calved yet.

‘Whatever is the matter with you?’ said she. ‘You