Page:The pink fairy book (IA pinkfairybooklan00lang).pdf/306

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The little fellow was quite willing, and she gave him the biggest share of her pancakes. They were not particularly good, but when one is hungry anything tastes well. After he had got them all eaten he said to her:

‘Now, I shall give you three wishes, for you are a very nice little girl; but I will choose the wishes for you. You are beautiful, and much more beautiful shall you be; yes, so lovely that there will not be your like in the

black and white illustration of a young woman kneeling beside a small gnome-like being to hand him a piece of flatbread next to his mound while sheep mill about in the background. The young woman has long light-colored hair loose under a straw hat. She wears a simple dress with a ragged neckline and loose sleeves and holds another piece in her other hand resting in her lap. Next to her knees is a shepherds staff with the strap of a bag tangled around it. The little man has is eating one of the breads. He has pointed ears and no obvious clothing except his pointy cap and a belt under his arms with a pick in it, but has wrinkles like he’s wearing a bodysuit with a pointed toes. The mound is covered in grass and heather and has a small door leading into it.

world. The next wish shall be that every time you open your mouth a gold coin shall fall out of it, and your voice shall be like the most beautiful music. The third wish shall be that you may be married to the young king, and become the queen of the country. At the same time I shall give you a cap, which you must carefully keep, for it can save you, if you ever are in danger of your life, if you just put it on your head.’

Maiden Bright-eye thanked the little bergman ever so