Page:The pink fairy book (IA pinkfairybooklan00lang).pdf/341

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and the woman drank it off at a single draught, and held it out for more.

But the neighbour pushed her away, saying, ‘No, I shall have none left for my children.’

So the woman went into another house, and drank all the water she could find; but the more she drank the more thirsty she became. She wandered in this manner through the whole village till she had drunk every water-pot dry. Then she rushed off to the nearest

black and white illustration of seven nyamatsanés (depicted as imp-like creatures with long arms, pointed ears, horns, and long tails. They are otherwise humanoid and have dark skin and somewhat short legs). They are in a desert, all in a row with their shadows cast ahead of them striding forward. In the background far behind them a village, with small houses, palm trees, and the figures of several dogs and a one human in a triumphant pose barely visable. One of the nyamatsanés is shaking their fist and all look disgruntled.


spring, and swallowed that, and when she had finished all the springs and wells about she drank up first the river and then a lake. But by this time she had drunk so much that she could not rise from the ground.

In the evening, when it was time for the animals to have their drink before going to bed, they found the lake quite dry, and they had to make up their minds to be thirsty till the water flowed again and the streams were full. Even then, for some time, the lake was very dirty,