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[aid down the law in no uncertain manner, and all 3f the brothers were a little afraid of Gates. Cynthia slept until noon the next day, and Hugh vent to his classes. In the afternoon they attended 1 baseball game, and then returned to the fraternity louse for another tea-dance. The Prom was to be

hat night. Hugh assured Cynthia that it was go¬

ng to be a “wet party,” and that Vinton had sold lim a good supply of Scotch.

The campus was rife with stories: this was the vettest Prom on record, the girls were drinking as nuch as the men, some of the fraternities had made '

he sky the limit, the dormitories were being in¬

vaded by couples in the small hours of the night, md so on. Hugh heard numerous stories but paid 10 attention to them. He was supremely happy, md that was all that mattered. True, several men lad advised him to bring plenty of liquor along to

he Prom if he wanted to have a good time, and he

vas careful to act on their advice, especially as Cynthia had assured him that she would dance un11 doomsday if he kept her “well oiled with hooch.” The gymnasium was gaily decorated for the Prom, he walls hidden with greenery, the rafters twined vith the college colors and almost lost behind hunIreds of small Japanese lanterns. The fraternity )ooths were made of fir boughs, and the orchestra datform in the middle of the floor looked like a mall forest of saplings.