Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/170

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Balconies that overbrow
Field and city, vale and stream.
In a dream
Lulled the drowsy landscape basks ;
Weary toilers cease their tasks.
Mark the gleam
Silvery of each white-swathed peak !
Mountain-airs caress the cheek,
Fresh from snow.

Here in Lindaraxa’s bower
The immortal roses bloom ;
In the room
Lion-guarded, marble-paven,
Still the fountain leaps to heaven.
But the doom
Of the banned and stricken race
Overshadows every place,
Every hour.

Where fair Lindaraxa dwelt
Flits the bat on velvet wings;
Mute the strings
Of the broken mandoline;
The Pavilion of the Queen
Widely flings
Vacant windows to the night;
Moonbeams kiss the floor with light
Where she knelt.