Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/222

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Bright child-folk sporting with smooth yellow shells,
Astride of dolphins, leaping up to kiss
Fair mother-faces. From the vast abyss
How joyously their thought-free laughter wells !
Some slumber in grim caverns unafraid,
Lulled by the overwhelming water s sound,
And some make mouths at dragons, undismayed.
Oh dauntless innocence! The gulfs profound
Reecho strangely with their ringing glee,
And with wise mermaids plaintive melody.


What do the sea-nymphs in that coral cave?
With wondering eyes their supple forms they bend
O’er something rarely beautiful. They lend
Their lithe white arms, and through the golden wave
They lift it tenderly. Oh blinding sight!
A naked, radiant goddess, tranced in sleep,
Full-limbed, voluptuous, ’neath the mantling sweep
Of auburn locks that kiss her ankles white!
Upward they bear her, chanting low and sweet:
The clinging waters part before their way,
Jewels of flame are dancing neath their feet.
Up in the sunshine, on soft foam, they lay
Their precious burden, and return forlorn.
Oh, bliss! oh, anguish! Mortals, Love is born!