Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/266

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1st Lady.

Nay, signer.
I like this heavy air, rich with warm odors,
The broad, clear light, the many-colored throng.
I might have breathed on mine own balcony
The evening breeze.

Ist Lord.

Still at cross purposes.
When will you cease to flout me?

1st Lady.

When I prize
A lover s sigh more dear than mine own pleasure.
See, the Signora Julia passed again.
She is far too pale for so much white, I find.
Donna Aurora ah, how beautiful !
That spreading ruff, sprinkled with seeds of gold,
Becomes her well. Would you believe it, sir,
Folk say her face is twin to mine what think you?

1st Lord.

For me, the huge earth holds but one such face.
You know it well.

1st Lady.

The hall is over-filled;
Go we without.

[They pass on.