Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/289

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Alone in Naples, wreathed with rays of gold,
Her crown of light betrays her. So, she s safe !

Enter LUCA.


A noble gentleman of Spain awaits
The master s leave to enter.


Show him in.
[Exit LUCA. RIBEBA draws the curtain before his picture of " Jacob s Dream."


A gentleman of Spain ! Perchance the Prince
Sends couriers to herald his approach,
Or craves a longer grace.

Enter LUCA, ushering in DON JOHN unattended, completely enveloped in a Spanish mantle, which he throws off, his face almost hidden by a cavalier’s hat. He uncovers his head on entering. RIBEBA, repressing a movement of surprise, hastens to greet him and kisses his hand.


Welcome, my lord !
I am shamed to think my sovereign s son should wait,
Through a churl’s ignorance, without my doors.