Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/309

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Nay, I caught the trick
Of his fair face in some half-dozen sittings.
His is a bold and shapely head—it pleased me.
I like the lad ; the work upon his portrait
Was pastime t is already nigh complete.


And has Maria sat here while you worked?

RIBERA (sharply).

Why not? What would st thou say? Speak, fret me not
With ticklish fears. Is she not by my side,
For work or rest ?


Surely, I meant no harm.
Father, how quick you are ! I had but asked
If she, being here, had seen the work progress,
And found it his true counterpart.


Annicca, There is something in your thought you hold from me.
Have the lewd, prying eyes, the slanderous mind
Of public envy, spied herein some mischief ?
What hast thou heard ? By heaven, if one foul word