Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/312

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I spake not, father. I regret with you
The Prince should leave us ; you have more enjoyed
His young companionship than any stranger’s
These many years.


Well, well, enough of him.
He hath a winning air so far, so good.
I know not that I place more trust in him
Than in another. T is a lying world;
I am too old now to be duped or dazzled
By fair externals.

Enter Maria, carrying a kirtlefull of flowers.


Father, see ! my roses
Have blossomed over night ; I bring you some
To prank your study. Sister, Don Tommaso
Seeks you below.

ANNICCA (rising).

I will go meet him. Father,
Until to-morrow. [Embraces Ribera and exit.

[Maria sits by her father s side and displays her flowers.