Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/327

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Morning. The Studio. Enter RIBEBA.


How laughingly the clear sun shines to-day
On storm-drenched green, and cool, far-glittering seas !
When she comes in to greet me, she will blush
For last night s terrors. How she crouched and shuddered
At the mere thought of the wild war without!
Poor, clinging women s souls, what need is theirs
Of our protecting love ! Yet even on me
The shadow of the storm-cloud seemed to brood.
Through my vexed sleep I heard the thunder roll;
My dreams were ugly Well, all that is past;
To-day my spirit is renewed- ’T is long
Since I have felt so fresh.

[He seats himself before his easel and takes up his brush and palette, but holds them idly in his hand.

Strange, she still sleeps!
The hour is past when she is wont to come
To bless me with the kiss of virgin love.
Mayhap t was fever in her eyes last night
Gave them so wild a glance, so bright a lustre.
God ! if she should be ill ! [He rises and calls.
Luca !