Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/81

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And rare ones white, or with a golden thread
Running throughout the web : the farthest hag
"With glistening scissors cut her sisters’ work.
To these Hyperion, but they never ceased,
Nor raised their eyes, till with soft, moderate tones,
But by their powerful persuasiveness
Commanding all to listen and obey,
He spoke, and all hell heard, and these three looked
And waited his request:
"I come, a god,
At a pure mortal queen’s request, who sues
For life renewed unto her dying lord,
Admetus; and I also pray this prayer."
"Then cease, for when hath Fate been moved by prayer? "
"But strength and upright heart should serve with you."
"Nay, these may serve with all but Destiny."
"I ask ye not forever to forbear,
But spare a while,—a moment unto us,
A lifetime unto men." "The Fates swerve not
For supplications, like the pliant gods.
Have they not willed a life’s thread should be cut?
With them the will is changeless as the deed.
O men ! ye have not learned in all the past,
Desires are barren and tears yield no fruit.