Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/94

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No sound made answer save the cries of grief
From all the mourners, and the suppliance
Of strick’n Admetus: "
O have mercy, gods!
O gods, have mercy, mercy upon us ! "
Then from the dying woman s couch again
Her voice was heard, but with strange sudden tones:
"Lo, I awake,—the light comes back to me.
What miracle is this? " And thunders shook
The air, and clouds of mighty darkness fell,
And the earth trembled, and weird, horrid sounds
Were heard of rushing wings and fleeing feet,
And groans; and all were silent, dumb with awe,
Saving the king, who paused not in his prayer:
" Have mercy, gods! " and then again, " O gods,
Have mercy! "
Through the open casement poured
Bright floods of sunny light; the air was soft,
Clear, delicate as though a summer storm
Had passed away; and those there standing saw,
Afar upon the plain, Death fleeing thence,
And at the doorway, weary, well-nigh spent,
Alcides, flushed with victory.