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Page:The poetical works of Matthew Arnold, 1897.djvu/35

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1869. Poems | by | Matthew Arnold. | The Second Volume | Dramatic and Lyric Poems. | (Etc., as above.) Crown 8vo. Vol. I., viii + 276 pp.; Vol. II., viii + 267 pp. ["First Collected Edition."]
1877. Poems | by | Matthew Arnold. | The First Volume | Early Poems, Narrative Poems, | and Sonnets. | New and Complete Edition. | London: | Macmillan and Co. | MDCCCLXXVII.
Poems | by | Matthew Arnold. | The Second Volume | Lyric, Dramatic, and Elegiac Poems. | (Etc., as above.) Crown 8vo. Vol. I., viii + 272 pp.; Vol. II., viii + 312 pp.
1878. Selected Poems | of | Matthew Arnold. | [Illustration.] | London: | Macmillan and Co. | 1878. Small 8vo. viii + 235 pp. [Golden Treasury Series.] Also large paper, crown 8vo, 250 copies. The selection made by the author.
1881. Geist's Grave | by [ Matthew Arnold. | London: | Printed only for a few Friends. | 1881. Small 8vo. 11 pp. [Appeared first in the Fortnightly Review, January, 1881.]
Poems. New Edition.
This edition of the Poems agrees in the main, both in contents and in appearance, with its immediate predecessor, dated 1877. The following alterations, however, have to be noted: The date on the title page reads 'MDCCCLXXXI'; the pagination of Vol. I. is viii, 278; of Vol. II., viii, 320; A Tomb among the Mountains is omitted; The Church of Brou and A Dream are reprinted from earlier volumes; three new poems added: New Rome, The Lord's Messengers, Geist's Grave.
1883. The | Matthew Arnold Birthday Book. | Arranged by his Daughter | Eleanor Arnold. | With a Portrait. | London: | Smith, Elder, & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, | 1883. Small 4to. [Cabinet photograph of Matthew Arnold seated with his dog in his arms, reproduced by Woodbury type process and subscribed in facsimile Matthew Arnold, 1883.]