Page:The poetical works of William Blake; a new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals (1905).djvu/254

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Rossetti MS.

5 So Reynolds when he came to die,
To assuage his bitter woe,
Thus aloud did howl & cry :
'Michael Angelo ! Michael Angelo ! '

Academy, Dec. 1790 : ' I should desire that the last words which I should pronounce in this Academy, and from this place, might be the name of Michael Angelo.'

3 his misery] his bitter misery EY.7 did howl] was heard to

MS. Book 1st rdg. del.


To the Royal Academy

1 A Strange Erratum in all the Editions
Of Sir Joshua Reynolds' Lectures
Should be corrected by the Young Gentlemen
And the Royal Academy's Directors.

5 Instead of ' Michael Angelo,'
Read ' Rembrandt ' ; for it is fit
To make mere common honesty
In all that he has writ.

MS. Book, p. 33. Only in EY i. 216. Cp. note to lx. 6-8 for , . . writ] . . . . . & you will know

That Sir Joshua Reynolds now wished to speak
Of Michael Angelo.'

MS. Book 15/ rdg. del.7 mere common] either sense or MS. Book 1st rdg. del.8 In] Of EY.


1If it is true, what the Prophets write,
That the Heathen Gods are all stocks and stones,
Shall we, for the sake of being Polite,
Feed them with the juice of our marrow-bones?

MS. Book, p. 33. WMR and EY with title 'Idolatry.'