In order to begin the circle cape, it is first necessary to prepare a front and back pattern of a box coat or a front and back pattern of a short two piece cape. It is absolutely immaterial which one of these two styles of patterns you make.
When patterns are all complete place the back part of the pattern to the edge of the paper and mark all around as shown on the diagram and then place the front pattern by matching the two shoulder seams together at C and D which will connect the two parts of the body, which consists of front and back. You will note that the back is marked out as follows, beginning from A to B and then continue it from A to C, G to D and D down to H.
Mark out the front by placing the two shoulders together at C and D and copy the front neck from G to F, F to G and then mark the shoulder and side seam the same as the back and when the entire two patterns are exactly copied, draw a line from the shoulder point from C and D out to F and then curve the bottom of that cape by a sweep from C to B and to E and G. You will note that G is the last point of curve, which is the bottom of the front.
Remember as per the instruction of this diagram the way the two shoulder seams are placed together, this cape is prepared to be placed on top of a coat or jacket as a cape, in such case, would make it much larger if the cape would be prepared for direct use, not to be placed on top of the coat; but should you want a cape to be prepared for its direct use without being connected to any other garment, it is necessary to deduct ¾ of an inch at the shoulder scam from C to D, which will make the neck of this cape just as closely and snugly fitted as a jacket or coat. Remember therefore these changes before making any further use of a cape.