To produce a circle cape with a dart in shoulder, it is again, as a rule, necessary to mark out the back to the edge of the paper as before and it is immaterial for this cape if you use the front and back part of a box coat or a short cape. No doubt, that if we can use the front and back part of a box coat, we can simply make use of the front and back part of a blouse pattern.
Now begin and mark out the back pattern all around from A to B, A to C and C to E. You will note that C to E is the width of shoulder. In order to continue in connecting the front to the back, take a space of 1½ inches between C to D and connect the 2 inner shoulder points of the armhole together at E and F and place the front shoulder point at D to be connected to that 1½ inch opening space between C to D and then continue in marking out the pattern from D to I, I to J, and further, as usual. When the entire front and back pattern is marked out take the center between C and D. which makes G, and draw a straight line down out against the shoulder point at E and F out to H and then make a curve for the bottom of the cape by sweeping by G to B cut to H and J . This will complete the cape with a dart in shoulder.
Remember that at the shoulder seam from C to E and E to F has all necessary seams allowed. If the pattern you are using has seams allowed and, no doubt, you know that if your pattern will be drafted according to the instruction of this book, your pattern will positively have all necessary seams allowed and you will also find instruction in this work of how to obtain a method of cutting direct without seams. Look for all such in the index pages.