THOSE who are not familiar with pattern drafting, will kindly follow these instructions. In order to begin, take a sheet of paper of one yard in length; the paper shall not be less than 30 inches in width which is the regular width of drafting paper for patterns and begin to draw a square line at the right angle at the top. See to it that there shall be a 6 inch space left on the top before making the square line. When the square line is drawn, you are about ready to begin to use the measurements necessary for the drafting.
Remember, that you have to stand on one certain position next to the draft. In order to get well acquainted with it, therefore stand next to the line which is placed to the edge of the paper, length way, which is between the top and bottom line of whatever these lines may be called. You will notice that such instructions are given on the first diagram.
Regarding instruments used for the drafting, all we need is an ordinary yard stick or tape measure, or, in order to produce good square lines, you may use an ordinary tailor's square to obtain good square lines.
Our system of drafting is explained in two different manners which is done in the most simplified way so that you can follow it up by inches or regular divisions. You may use either one of the methods which appears to you the most simple one as they are both very simple.
In order to be most sure of all details used in drafting, you will be kind enough to follow the following rules: Do not try to work at the very beginning on ¼ or ½ inch size drafting, use full inch, in order that you shall obtain the original size of drafting for each and every lesson which will make things clear to you right at the beginning. Do not measure the space of the diagram because it will only confuse you in your work. All you need to do is to read the diagram carefully and follow spaces as described opposite the diagram.
In order to succeed in the easiest way of getting a lesson done in the most shortest time possible, do not try immediately to follow up the diagram, but read carefully first over the description without following up the diagram and after having been well acquainted with the reading, begin again to read in a quiet way the description and follow up at the same time the diagram for the spaces and all rules as they are explained.
When beginning a lesson, study well the beginning lines which will as a rule, instruct you how to go on with other lessons and such actions will simplify each and every lesson in the most simplified way. Do not overlook this, but follow all these instructions and by doing so, you will greatly succeed in your technical undertakings.