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American Historical Events
Peru discovered by Perez de la Rua, Span. | 1515 |
Mexico conquered by the Spaniards, under Cortez | 1521 |
Peru conquered by the Spaniards, under Pizarro | 1532 |
Lima in Peru founded by Pizarro | 1534 |
Amazon River discovered by Francisco Oreleana | 1541 |
Mississippi River discovered by Hernando de Soto | 1541 |
Silver Mines of Potosi first discovered by an Indian | 1545 |
Brazil settled by the Portuguese | 1549 |
Florida first settled by the Spaniards at St. Augustine | 1565 |
Painting introduced into Mexico | 1569 |
Hudson's River and Bay discovered by Henrich Hudson | 1610 |
Tobacco first cultivated in the United States in Virginia | 1616 |
Slaves first brought to the United States by the Dutch | 1620 |
Harvard University (first college in the United States) founded | 1638 |
Sugar cane first cultivated in the West Indies | 1641 |