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American Historical Events

Peru discovered by Perez de la Rua, Span. 1515
Mexico conquered by the Spaniards, under Cortez 1521
Peru conquered by the Spaniards, under Pizarro 1532
Lima in Peru founded by Pizarro 1534
Amazon River discovered by Francisco Oreleana 1541
Mississippi River discovered by Hernando de Soto 1541
Silver Mines of Potosi first discovered by an Indian 1545
Brazil settled by the Portuguese 1549
Florida first settled by the Spaniards at St. Augustine 1565
Painting introduced into Mexico 1569
Hudson's River and Bay discovered by Henrich Hudson 1610
Tobacco first cultivated in the United States in Virginia 1616
Slaves first brought to the United States by the Dutch 1620
Harvard University (first college in the United States) founded 1638
Sugar cane first cultivated in the West Indies 1641